As someone of older generation viewers at this time, but not crippled by overconservative values, have to say: lasted thru first 1/3rd. Eventually might finish watching.
Everything is good in moderation.
I’ve met plenty of “teachers of sorts” along the way.
And truly respect everyone’s way of life with no judgement.
We are all different after all.
Raised amazing kids (not that they are mine, but because they chose to become who they want to be).
Lately a talent became something to be ashamed of, a mediocrity - encouraged, and people who have intelligent thoughts - shamed.
So, unfortunately, the ones that are not getting enough of basic education would feel exploited.
In the country that offers so much.
Anyone who wants to be somebody, can become one.
This is the country of opportunity. For anyone that has a wish: to become someone, to have a family, to explore antiquities, to create the future of humanity.
Who am I to say?
You all are to decide what you are here for.
I wish everyone the best.
I also learned for myself: you get what you give.
Simple, right?
What goes around, comes around. Old saying, never gets old.