Never before have I addicted so much to a movie or drama character, but these two guys in Word of Honour gave me such a pleasure to watch. Casting them together was the greatest ever. The finding of their soulmates, (confidants) was such a delight to watch. Watching their synchronised eyes and body contacts was hypnotic! I finished the whole 36 episodes in 5 days. Felt loss the day I finished the drama and started missing them both. They made such a good couple ( thx to great casting again). Expressing the hard-to-find confidant relationship yet still a PG production… again thx to the production company for such a great drama! Daring yet convincing! Looking forward to another great one like this (or part 2) in near future. Still missing 阿絮& 老溫, shall miss them for a long time to come! 👍👍👍