I don't think is was fiction. I think it was based on stories and reports that Farley Mowat recorded (or else he has a damn good memory right down to the many Inuit words so frequently interjected). It starts with stores related by Inuit people recounting how able the people were at surviving (?), no thriving, under the Arctic conditions. The stories proceed to interactions with individuals of the trading companies which are neither favorable to the white traders or beneficial to the Inuit people. The continuing stories document the negative impact of whites on the Inuit way of life, until the last chapter which chronicles the mid-20th century, most egregious attempt of the Canadian government to remove the indigenous people to the far northern areas of the islands of the North Sea. What begins as a thrilling portrayal of human courage in the face of nature, ends as a disheartening expose of man's cruelty to man.