The best Batman movie to date …no spoilers.
In the same gritty tone and amazing story line as the Dark Knight, but I feel they expanded on the theme with multiple complex characters and superb momentum. The Penguin was excellent
( although Colin Farrell looked a hell of a lot like a fat Robert DeNiro haha). Paul Dano’s Riddler was nothing short of amazing in his performance ( comparable in flashes to Heath Ledger’s Joker in delivery but not screentime) which exceeded my expectations. Batman and Catwoman’s relationship and dynamic was well played and I feel that a more emotional connection can be invoked in viewers in this version comparable to any previous. Pattinson also in my opinion pulled off the most badass, convincingly moral, and detective-esque version of Batman, and while not being an extremely likable version of Bruce Wayne, Robert Pattinson created such a contrast in Batman and the low key, reclusive,
un-intimidating Bruce helps fuel the story line by dimenishing any perceived connection between the two in the eyes of Gotham…Great job Matt Reeves!