Wasted three hours of my life on this chaotic, confused, self-consciously artsy film. Choosing to abandon any logical timeline for a confused amalgam of disordered and sometimes ridiculously brief and useless scenes robbed the plot of any ability to build momentum or suspense and thus sustain interest in this unnecessarily bloated film. It would be charitable to say that the film could be improved by tighter editing but nothing could improve this mess. The acting was, for the most part, wooden but what could most of the actors do with a the lines they were encouraged to mumble? Despite an excessive attempt to build sympathy for and understanding of the main character through artsy depictions of his internal thoughts and several unnessessary passionless sex scenes, Robert Oppenheimer remains a one dimensional character throughout the film. The poor lighting and sound contributed their own torture to this experience. One of the absolute worst films of all time.