Lokkhi Chele : The movie which had many thing to give but ended up being nothing extraordinary. Insipid screenplay and a conscious effort to plaster religious dogmatism,pinpointing toward something 'sacred' is very evident. Unnecessary stretching the screen time with irrational issues is one of the reason where audience will lose their interest. When the movie is itself opening with a very moralistic approach it should give audience enough space to reach certain conclusion and not planting it .Sitting around a round table to glorify the protagonist of the movie is something very cliche. Rather, this could be a story of Amir's (the central character) self introspection and self discovery with a more nuanced story telling. As expectations was always high from a veteran like Kaushik Ganguly,can only acclaim it as a 'Good-watch'.
The cast specially Ujaan did a great job supported by Ritwika and Purab. Purab looks real while Ritwika brings a sense of tranquility to the screen.Indrasis with his 'Rustic- Baddie' get up is also very impressive.
There are problems in the film and yet we must encourage our friends, family members and colleagues to watch it just for the sake of the issue it deals with.