Started to watch this film last night I decided that life is too short to finish watching a film that I ceased unable to connect to , Cumberbatch was just a man who for some odd reason liked to be filthy dirty most of the time ,I could not think of him as his character Phil. I had to wonder why his fastidious brother shared the same bed in that huge house. My mind was beginning to wander; why were there so many ranch hands who didn’t seem to do much work, they frolicked in the river, put up little tents, tormented young Peter, the rather effeminate son of the drunken Rose, and I didn’t see many cows, I thought New Zealand was over run with them?
After a couple of riding lessons given by a much cleaner Benedict who was clearly smitten by young Peter, he quietly packed a bagand rode off towards the mountains. We then saw him riding down a very steep slope like a rider with many years experience! He found a dead cow with nasty wounds.He dismounts, opens his bag an puts on long surgical gloves over his riding gloves and proceeds to cut the carcass. I decided then that the plot at last was becoming interesting so went to bed.
Today, I picked up where I left off last night, and was I glad I did. I won’t give any spoilers, only to say I felt sorry for Dr. Peters patients, one of the best endings i’ve seen. Pity the film seemed to have chunks missing all the way through. The musical score was awful like a class of 5 year olds playing various instruments,I nearly turned the sound off because it was very much like the old silent films, the over acting said it all!,To me the star of the film was Peter, he outacted everyone.
I was so annoyed at the gaps in the plot, I found a copy of The Power of the Dog by Thomas Savage, which will be with me this week. Having read the synopsis of the book it’s filling in the missing pieces which for me had spoilt the flow of the film. Why do film makers muck about with books that the author has put heart and soul into.?
Re shoot the first 2 hours of the film, leave the brilliant, shocking ending and to me, it would be a winner.