I think the game is amazing. I am a huge suicide squad fan which is probably why lol. I think the game is beautiful and fun to play. I wish I had a better pc but it still looks and feels amazing. I like the difference in the characters and that there will be more to use in upcoming DLC. The game is going to get/does a lot of hate for not being the same as the Arkham games. While those are amazing and I love those games this one is its own thing. They made the game play different. I do like how it’s fun and it’s treated that way. It’s the suicide Squad. They are supposed to be different. The story is pretty dope too. While I’ll forgive it for this as I love it I do think a flaw will be the grind it wants you to do at the end. I personally don’t mind but I do know a lot of people will. It’s not to the grind point of Destiny but at the end if you want the cooler gear you will need to grind side missions and elseworld battles. So far it is looking like all the dlc you will be able to beat on any difficulty as you go through. I think that is a good feature as maybe people will want to continue the braniac story and do the doc but don’t want to have to grind. For those people you will be able to jump back on when new dlc is released and just play it. (That is how it is looking to me). It’s not forcing you to grind to continue a story or anything. If you want new special gear and want to master your characters you will but is not forced like some games. Which is nice as usually I take breaks from games. So it will be nice I can come back and not be far behind to beat the next story.
Check it out but don’t compare it as the same. It’s not. Which I give props for. Now this does make me want to play Arkham Knight again lol but it’s because it’s a great game and I love Rocksteady. They make good games. This one just might not be your cup of tea