Plot: It seemed really promising. It’s about a high school wrestler with an overbearing father, pushing his son a bit too hard to be a great high school athlete and student. His mom is supportive, even though she’s not his real mom technically. Oh yeah and he has a little sister, big whoop. Read below to understand the significance of that last sentence.
Cinematography: If you like the HBO show, Euphoria, this is lit like the first season. The colors are vibrant and bright! If you’re not into that, you might be one of the FEW people saying the movie is too ‘flashy’. I like many other think it’s gorgeous.
Downfalls: As you’ll read from many other people, the plot is just sloppy. The first half of the movie up until Tyler goes to jail was fine. Ok, maybe the way his girlfriend, who plays Maddie in HBO’s Euphoria is ridiculously goofy. And it’s true, the movie switches over to the sister’s point of view and her new boyfriend. Mind you, not even ONCE did the sister have any significance in the movie up to that point. You’ll see her maybe four times tops in the first hour.
Closing: Someone above said the movie could’ve ended with Tyler’s getting sentenced to life in prison. I agree.