I can’t believe the negative. I just don’t get how anyone can be negative about someone’s real life feelings. But thank god for karma because anyone who says this is anything less than a son’s, brother’s, husband’s perspective over how he feels, will get what they put out there. They are just plain ignorant or they feel entitled. I remember Diana , was a never a die hard follower but once in awhile, headlines crossed my path. There are is so much to discuss about this book and this is just his real life. As they say there are two sides to every store, but until Princes William puts out his own side of the story (which we both know , he never will. Why would you when you are the heir to the British Throne). This is someone who gave up his entire family and title that came with it. Would anyone else who is reading this give up millions to tell the truth and be ban from his country, his family and his name sake for a book?! I know I never would unless it was the truth.