This is my own opinion and from the reviews I’ve read, it's many others opinions too. The show has its pros and cons which I'll be listing in my own opinions.
The animation and overall style of the show represent the Animated Show perfectly, I love the addition of the era and first appearance suit as well as the underused characters getting a chance on screen. Other people have complained about the gender and race changes which is fine that's their opinion but I do not mind Alfred having a bit of a change in style and Jim Gordon being black I don't mind at all, my first experience with Jim Gordon being changed was in The Batman 2022 film which I thought the actor did a fantastic job of Jim Gordon. I do have a problem with the Penguin as the gender change to female just doesn't feel like it fits the Penguin character, she does not come off as threatening or intimidating at all also with the choice of voice it does not seem like it suits the style of the character. I felt very rushed into things as there was no introduction to this representation of Gotham. I did feel like Bruce lacked a sense of personality but these are my opinions and perspective on this show.