I purchased this game from Amazon. I was a fan of the movie, think everyone was, Helldivers is clearly made from Starship troopers..
Well after playing it..
Around 4/5 hours in, multiplayer only, this game is…
Completely a mess, unreal engine N64 by the looks of it, glitchy, extremely delayed, guns do nothing but kick out and recoil, the bugs just kill you instantly, you cant even run away at all, game play feels empty, they spawn like something from a 8 bit game and turn like it aswell, Fire and explosions are ridiculous, like something from duke nukem ps1, Jesus Christ you take a free game called Off the grid, look at that. Free, beautiful graphics, not a game that’s 89$ AUS,
Such a let down. I hope this game dies, I understand it does not have the budget, but why make a game in let the legend of the movies go down the drain? Either recall the game or go down as the worst game of the year. I mean look at Rico talking at the start. He ain’t even moving just face grins, what a joke. Stick to Helldivers.. Definitely not a ps5 game. Dog Shit