I’m sick of the feminist/SJW agenda ruining what could otherwise have been great films. And before anyone starts mumbling about what a misogynistic jerk I am, I’d like you to know that my favorite movie character, OF ALL TIME (and I’ve been a HUGE Wolverine fan.... FOREVER), has been, and will likely always be, Ellen Ripley from the original “Aliens” films. She is cool as hell, and when I was a kid, I wanted to BE Ripley.
But, when writers, directors and studios start down the path of “all women are great” and “all men suck”..... well...... do I really need to explain WHY that is a monumentally idiotic idea?
There have been intelligent, powerful and awesome female characters for a LONG LONG TIME. Anyone remember Mary Tyler Moore, Leeloo from “The Fifth Element,” Hermione Granger, Princess Leia, Clarice Starling from “Silence of the Lambs”?
I love all of those characters. They weren’t pushing some moronic political agenda, not bashing men, and still freakin’ AWESOME characters that people will remember for generations.
This movie..... not so much.