I'll give Disney their humor on this movie. The animation was alright and the animals still as cute and everything. BUT DISNEY, you've already changed the whole Pocahontas storyline by making Pocahontas older and make her fall in love with John Smith, just make them be together at last. The first movie was amazing, beautiful, themes of empowerment, equality, political and social messages, but all comes downhill on the second movie. YOU DISNEY made it seem like they were truly in love, that she was following her heart and doing the right thing, she was even not herself when Smith went back to London. If you already had changed the history element of the movie, might as well do it for the second movie. You literarily throwed the death of Kocoum down the drain for a love that didn't even last a year. DISNEY WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU. (I'm sorry, I'm just mad that she chose a sexist and sort of racist man, instead of adventurous open minded Smith)