Wow. Well that was an experience. Not the worst horror movie I have ever seen but it was nowhere near the top. How did people not see the twist coming?! There were so many unanswered questions like how could Gabriel manipulate electricity? Why was everyone acting like they were in a bad B movie? How did no one notice the holes in the ceiling of the house? How could she/he hang from the ceilings? Why was she not concerned that she was continually bleeding from the back of her head?! This movie also committed one of my biggest pet peeves that was in another James Wan film Aquaman - terrible wigs. If the wig is bad, I just cannot pay attention to what is happening. One positive was that I watched in on HBO Max and didn't pay to see it in the theatres. The use of a contortionist was pretty cool but some of the CGI was bad.
Overall, I wouldn't waste my time.