Good documentary.
I want to first say, I do feel like she became the "face" of an ongoing issue. She is not the first and she will definitely not be the last.
I do believe she was really trying to do a good thing...
Its not about race. Moreso, it's about a person with good intentions gone astray.
Yes, I do believe she started out on the right path. The entire point is that she felt she had a direct line to what she felt God wanted her to do...then she stopped listening and relied on her OWN understanding. Which, if you think about it a lot of great men in the Bible lost their way listening to God and then taking over His voice to suit their own needs.
Its very easy as humans to feel we are the direct line and lose our way. She forgot its not US but God who makes the final decisions. Not only that, but satan uses our pride to lead us astray.
Not acknowledging and recognizing she was NOT medically trained was her downfall. Then she lied about situations, instead of acknowledging she was not equipped to do what she was doing... She took medical liberties she was not equipped to handle...but she was trying to help.
She lost her way. She became controlling, prideful and a "know it all". She became the "god" in her head. Bad combo when lives are in the balance. She had medical professionals there, but refused to listen.
After listening to her interviews, I don't feel she understands or sees what she did wrong; she just merely wants to justify her mistakes.
The true call of God will allow you to admit your wrong and repent. Based on what she is stating, she is not willing to do that. She didn't do anything wrong. Yet "playing doctor" was wrong...
Pride is a dangerous drug. We are all guilty of it. The road to hell is paved with "good" intentions.