I use to watch this show now that they fired Eric Mena I do not watch the show & dis like it! It shows that they went to try & destroy a person image by accusing “she racist” I think it’s very pathetic only because the comments was not meant to be racist…but to hurt Spices feelings by the way she looks (& she does look like a monkey) for speaking on her child & it is very obvious Spice is a bully 1000% because after the show Spice did not want to take responsibility & apologize, but instead stated “I was speaking on Erica’s parenting” but telling someone “with your son that don’t like you” while the child was not the topic is speaking on someone child. It’s obvious that darker skin females have a vendetta & have HAD a secret hate for lighter skin females because they think that society rather pick &/or prefer a lighter girl. It’s honestly pathetic