Real gamer review:
If you love the idea of automation, orchestration, resource management, strategy, business, etc... then this is the game for you.
I absolutely love this game! The music peaceful, calm, and encourages thinking and concentration.
I can honestly play this game for hours and hours non stop and this is no exaggeration.
If you don't like losing, or failing, this is not the game for you. You will lose a lot at first, but something about this game makes you want to go back and try again.
Everything that you know about money management and business and best practices can be applied to this game, but just know that just when you think you got all figured out..., your business will start hemorrhaging money all because of one change that you made to improve your factory. It could be something as little as expanding your buildings too much too the point that your rent exceeds your income and everything you try to do makes it,.... but that is the where the fun lies.
Fail and start over, come back stronger, wiser, and better equipped with the experience you need to run a Little big workshop.
Best of luck, enjoy, and don't give up.