None of these characters makes sense psychologically. Why would Our Heroine, a mature woman of real stature, let Mr. Wonderful shag her in a broom closet and in public alleyways? How did the rapist know she was having an affair? What credible evidence did the police have for charging her with murder? Why didn't she simply fess up to the affair when Mr. Wonderful was arrested, rather than let herself be thrown into jail and public shame that was infinitely worse than simply saying she'd had an affair with the murderer? What in God's name was wrong with this lady? Who thought it was a good idea to insert into the narrative the pointless character of a son who is clinically depressed and has nothing to do but mope around? Who thought it was a good idea to have Our Heroine, after all of this wretched sturm und drang, visit Mr. Wonderful in prison in the last episode and restate her adoration?