I don't know what people are saying when giving it a 1 star review I absolutely loved it. It had my emotions all over the place I was laughing, happy, then I was sad and crying. Don't get me wrong I do admit those scenes of what had happened to the animals really got to me, but it just helps the audience feel sympathy and connected in a way to rocket on a deeper level.
Also it wasn't just your typical super hero ending, I expected, I was almost certain that Gamora would join them at the end again, when she didn't it had me surprised because a typical superhero movie would've had that happen. The ending had just pleased me, it has said that not all super hero movies are based around the same thing with an assumable ending.
I wasn't bored at all during this movie, as I said before the range of emotions that I had endured just really was a roller coaster ride, one that people would enjoy.
Overall gotg trilogy is defiantly one of my favourites, gotg vol.3 is defiantly a movie that I would recommend and yes be prepared to cry then laugh then cry again. It was a really good plot and even now that the trilogy is over I am satisfied with the last movie, it made sense.