I hate how the game starts, the fact they decided to kill Joel is unnecessary and I saw as being a pathetic scape goat for shock value that wasn't necessary. I cannot sympathize with Abby and enjoyed watching Ellie kill her over and over. Playing as Abby was more of a slap to the face and spit on Joels grave rather than a "groundbreaking" plot device to provoke any kind of sympathy or bigger picture that revenge gets you no where. As proved by the game itself the only person to have gained anything was Abby, she got her revenge and escaped with her life and friend whilst Ellie is left with nothing. Not to mention, in agreement with another reviewers opinion, in the first game Joel is highly cautious and aware of ambushes from a mile away. But in this game he and Tommy blindly walk into a lodge of strangers, give their names and location to complete strangers who are surrounding them, and then Joel is pathetically killed with a golf club. He deserved a better death for the man he was and is. As the player we were not given time to reconnect with Joel, were tricked into believing Joel was coming for an adventure in trailers and although I did cry my fair amount I felt his death wasn't as powerful as it could have been. Naughty Dog should take notes from the writers who wrote Lee's death in The Walking Dead Game. You feel pain not only for the loss of a beloved and developed character, Lee and Joel, but additionally for the character that is forced to witness the death, Clementine and Ellie. And I feel that that was one of the many things missing during that scene.
The game is gorgeous but pretty graphics doesn't make up for the convoluted storyline and messy characters; and lack of connection to said characters which I have praised the first game for as the connections to the characters is what made it so great.
The ending is completely unsatisfying and I have to agree with others that the game leaves you feeling more or less nothing. After killing arguably one of the most beloved characters the game falls apart and could have been ended right there. I was left feeling little to no sympathy for anyone in the game, which is not what I was expecting from a game I have waited for for 7 years to play. Characters leave or are killed left and right before any sort of attachment can be made.
Finally I have yet to see any real 5 star reviews as they all, more or less, start by calling those who reviewed the game poorly idiots and morons who do not see the "in depth and emotionally moving" story line that the game had to offer, which in the end it did not.