The show is one of the best on television except Juan Williams drags it down with standard liberal flap that has little-to-no foundation in fact or logic. Juan is not well informed and does not have the capacity to deal with complex situations and analysis. Instead, he spouts off with totally predictable emotion and blather and almost never backs up his statements. The show is much better when another liberal substitutes for Juan.
Update one year later: can’t wait to hear Juan is retiring or getting fired. Meanwhile remain a big fan of the “Four” and use mute button whenever Juan speaks.
Update January 2021: Fox News please, please, please get rid of Juan ASAP. The show is at its best when Juan is replaced by any other liberal on the planet. He is condescending and narrow-minded. Like many on the extreme left, he condemns all points of view that he doesn’t own. Get rid of Juan!
Update 6-13-21: My prayers have been answered! Juan is gone! Absolutely every liberal or Democrat replacing Juan is a massive improvement for The Five. How wonderful to hear intelligently articulated liberal arguments by people who are well informed replacing Juan. Fox presents the liberal/left/democrat point-of-view but Juan Williams falls miles short of that runway. He just does not make the same level of effort exhibited by others on the Left. Thank you, Fox!