This movie is supposed to be about loveable characters bonding together and fighting the odds. However, the characters in the team are barely filled out at all and as a consequence we have little or no empathy with them. I think we are supposed to be sympathetic to the coach but the movie didn't reveal anything likeable about him. The actor who played the coach was terrible.
There were some funny moments driven by the deadpan script, but other attempts at humour were slapstick and dreadful.
The subplot with the coach's ex-wife was not properly explained and not resolved.
The treatment of the trans player was the only part of this movie that had any subtlety and generated any empathy towards the characters.
If I was Samoan I would be insulted by the portrayal of all Samoans as bumbling oafs with not a brain cell between them.
I've enjoyed TW's movies in the past but this is one to avoid.