Do not waste your time on this film.
Megan is missing is a boat of problems. To start, it plainly is not an enjoyable movie. Each scene seems to drag on FOREVER. Pointless dialogue, unneeded moments, and random camera moments make this movie feel like it’s 7 hours long. The writing and the acting is awful, it seems like a high school project someone made.
The larger issue with the film is the glorification of rape and murder. This movie has no redeeming factor. It is not a learning experience that shines light on the evil in the world. It is simply all for shock value. While it does shock you indeed for a few seconds, it simply does not need to be the way it is. It is gross, traumatizing at moments, and doesn’t have to be. If this film really wanted to be about something worth substance, it wouldn’t have focused on rape and murder as the only shock value to the whole film. Don’t watch it. Your wasting money.