The foundation of the plot is interesting, executed poorly. I'm 70% through and all I can say is I really can't wait for it to be over. Some of the comments she makes in the book just make you cringe, I have to look up and just ask why??? Just so many out of context random little comments that don't fit with the story at all- I get it's meant to be her inner monologue but it really makes it seem like Andrea is just not a deep or well thought out character. Don't even get me started on catfish bible - I nearly stopped reading when he came into it. The "marshal rule number x" is infuriating and him as a character is just so cringe to me. The mike sub plot is super boring and Andrea blows off everyone constantly which is getting predictable and frustrating.
Emilys side of the story is written eloquently in comparison and is far more interesting, I feel like she really helps us understand Emily. And I do actually like the way she swaps between the two, it's not super choppy & seems to flow well- as for positives that is it.