When the trailer for obi wan Kenobi was released I was super hyped.
The whole star wars fan base wanted a solo movie or show about obi wan Kenobi, unfortunately, after watching all 6 episodes I quickly understood that the show wasn't good. Which was highly disappointing. as much as I tried to love this show I simply couldn't.
The pacing of the show was horrible, the story wasn't that great and what was even worse than the pacing and the story was the way that they narrowed the story.
It honestly felt like a Tom and Jerry movie.
In the first episode, Leia was captured by the empire, in the second episode obi wan comes to save her and manages to save her but then in the third episode, she gets taken away again then in the 4th episode obi wan gets her back and hides her in a base fool of other people.
the story progresses only in the last 2 episodes when something interesting happens.
The only thing that I liked about this show is Darth Vader.
He felt as scary and menacing as I remembered him from the original movies.
The thing is they only did something with him in the last 2 episodes.
I still think that the only good episode in the show was the last one
the fifth episode was better than the four episodes before him, but he wasn't that great.
I recommend watching it, you'll have a good time even tho the show isn't that good.
I am sad that they ruined such a hyped show and I hope that they will do better in the next season.