I’m really enjoying this game. I’m not much for rail games. This is a semi rail, light hearted, kill aliens with a laugh. Being from the 80’s with Duke Nuke’em being my first boss mode game completed- I hate boss mode games as well. This has boss mode with each bounty- but I felt they got easier throughout the game- which really made it enjoyable. If you have the right weapon and tactic, the boss levels are no problem. I got back into gaming and my first games were RedDead2, FarCry 4,5,6 and GTA 5. I got really spoiled with those and they set the bar. This is not those games but fun, lighthearted, entertaining and good visuals. If I still smoked the good stuff, it would be perfect. Take a break from those epic games and just enjoy this for what it was meant to be. It’s like comparing Scarface with Fast Times at Ridgemont high. Both enjoyable yet completely different genre. Thanks guys from a 55 yo Atari 2600 playa.