Vampires Suck is a masterpiece. The pure, comedic chaos brilliantly showcases the many flaws in the original Twilight series. However, where the original series took itself seriously, leading to its notoriety as a bad film, Vampires Suck is based entirely in randomness and satire, making it a genius vessel for performing its ultimate purpose— to entertain and evoke laughter based on the many shortcomings of the original trilogy.
The casting is phenomenal as each actor mirrors the character on which they are based through both their appearance and their actions. Furthermore, the actors proudly exemplify the criticisms of each original character, adopting those very criticisms as the foundation of their characters.
Vampires Suck is a wild ride in which each scene is a wonderful mess of chaotic cinematic choices and genius allusions to comment on various industries, companies, and, of course, Twilight itself.