With the understanding, that the narcissist is born by the wound of suffering, I can see that Henry Fonda was not the only narcissist in the family in that his daughter took after him in many ways. She like her father had many marriage partners, and I think, "Wouldn't it have been more honest of her to say to these smitten men that she could not marry them as she wanted to experience her individuality more than give a part of it up to make the marriage work?" I can see how she misjudged the Hanoi field trip with the North Vietnamese, because she was so wound up in leading the big cause that she could not give a moment to understand how others would feel about her journey to North Vietnam. So to think along the lines of Hillel, I would say you cannot be too much for the other person, and not be for yourself, but you cannot be so much for yourself that you think not on the other person in your life.