I've played the Ghost Recon series since it first came out. While the original games were very basic graphic wise, the gameplay was great. It was tactical and mission driven. No big boss fights, endless spawns or anything that made it an arcade game.
Wildlands was an interesting addition to the series but felt more like FarCry with better guns. Despite reading many bad reviews about Breakpoint, I bought it to try it out. I figured it would be mostly like Wildlands. I have to say that I'm very disappointed with it and wish I'd never bought it. There's not enough room here to write about the game in great detail so I'll go with the highlights.
Gameplay is semi tactical but drifts toward arcade, with enemies that can see and shoot through things you can't. Most enemies don't have night vision, yet can see you just as well as you see them when you are using it. There's a large drone that flies around and drops a flare if it sees you. The purpose is to call the calvary on you. Unfortunately that doesn't mean they're on the way, they spawn on you almost instantly. Climbing hills and rocks will frustrate you beyond belief and swimming will leave you with no way out in certain areas. Not good when taking fire.
Then there's the bugs. Falling through the map happens often, as does spawning under the map after you've fallen through. Going prone will leave you exposed almost half the time you do it because your character will start to "float". Pushing buttons to activate certain actions such as CQC melee kills may not work the first time.
I kept the detail short as most won't read a long review. Overall it is my feeling that Ubisoft realised people are buying the game and they feel no obligation to finish/fix it. It can be fun but I highly recommend buying it on sale or get a traded in copy from EB Games/Gamestop for $35.