When comparing this game with the original Dragon Quest Builders, it looks almost comepletely different. In the original game, it just ended. No extra building, no extra items, nothing. But now, there's like a whole other story after the end! A new mallet: Ultimallet (can break 98% of every block in the game), Buildnoculars (which is unlocked by completing 60 tablet targets), Buildertopia (found by completing the game) and the Ark (which can be found from putting a new password in a buildertopia island at a random point of the end). It is so amazing. If there even is a Dragon Quest Builders 3, I'd play it forever (IF IT IS BETTER THAN DQB2)! :D
Also please add a monster spawner room in the Builderpedia monsters section, you press a button that brings you to a black room with a monster in it, and the only way to escape is to defeat the monster.