I started playing the later games of AC series much later after getting bored by the gameplay of AC I.
Released after Unity, this AC game came with a burden of continuing with what Unity started- a good expansive world with great graphics and story. AC Syndicate was set in London. After Paris in AC Unity, London in Syndicate was as beautiful as it can be. The similarities end there only. Yes, the annoying snipers on the roofs as in Unity were finally not there (claps), but the bad thing was the story was very dull and unimaginative. Ubisoft threw few of the eminent historical personalities here and there (I liked the introduction of Arthur Conan Doyle as a character in the game). More than that, the game suffers from linearity and sexism because one couldn't continue the storyline by selecting the female protagonist even if the female protagonist was kept selected. The more harder and adventurous jobs were reserved for Jacob. The very idea of having a train as a safe house was ludicrous and however silly it would sound, I needed to say that during the first few legs of the game, I was very stupefied to find the manner to get out of the moving train in order to start a mission. With an addition of zipline that can be deployed at a will, travelling through the industrial age London by roofs was a breeze and I personally felt that the rooftop glides were the best in Syndicate than any other previous games. The game was short if one wouldn't have played the side missions (I always had maintained that the side missions were in reality a distraction and made me lose focus). One time playable game.
To me, until now AC Syndicate is better than AC, AC ROGUE, AC III but worse than AC II, AC REVELATIONS, AC BROTHERHOOD, AC BLACK FLAG, AC UNITY.
(yet to play ORIGINS, ODEYSSEY and VALHALLA though)
N.B.: The game hid a huge pleasant surprise in the form of a glitch at the Easternmost end of the map. Having said so, the initial prospect of exploring the glitch was exciting but the interest died down because of the repetitive tasks and gameplay.