Great movie. Yes, many people think it's 'the best' of the SW series, but I strongly(!) disagree. The original SW was a stunner: Exotic scenery, weird sounds, intimidating characters, mythological themes woven in to the story without it being blatant, John Williams score while Luke watches two suns set, Luke's battle run into the Death Star's trench with Vader about to shoot him down...and the chilling moment we hear the haunting voice "Use your feelings Luke..." ... all introduced to us with a realism and retro-futurism no one even imagined was possible (thus winning Academy awards). Sure, Empire, has a lot going for it- Yoda's relationship with Luke. The tension between Han and Leia. Darth Vader vs Luke light saber battle. And let's not forget the meteorite field chase scene (nothing like it done before). Fun, exciting, sure. But this was the sequel- A New Hope was fresh, with all the newness of something you're not expecting and can't believe you're even seeing. Final say: Bar scene. Iconic.