Here's the deal. You either HATE Zack Snyder movies, LOVE them or you like them and go into it with a "lets give it a shot". I'm one of those that go into it with a give it a shot. With that said, I did enjoy it. It of course has some of those annoying as hell slo-mo scenes that he is famous for and it was a little cheesey in some parts, but I took it as an homage to the movies that came before it. It had scenes that reminded me of Star Wars, LOTR, 300, Dune and of course a little Justice League, but i took it as that, an homage to all of them. I thought it was a neat flick, enjoyed it and looking forward to the second one. With that said, there's always going to be haters and those that think it is the best thing ever, i respect those opinions. I give it a 7 out of 10. Give it a shot and form your own opinions of it.