It is absolutely shocking how many bad reviews this got. But if you just scroll to the 1 star reviews you will see a bunch of hate loving racist misogynistic idiots that can’t see anything else but hate.
I’m gonna be honest I didn’t love the first captain marvel movie. In fact it was one of my least favorite marvel movies. But it was just because I thought the movie was rushed more than anything else.
Fast forward to today I just saw “The Marvels” and it was fantastic. I like the flow between the three characters, I liked that it was more a team driven story with different perspectives. But just overall I enjoyed it and thought “wow that was pretty good.”
The low ratings and reviews I am seeing all have a common trait. It’s hate and sad. I’m a guy and I neither felt threatened by anything in this movie nor thought oh there’s too much diversity, which is a crazy sentence in itself. Good movie don’t listen to the hate.