The lightning thief was the book that drove me into reading novels. I could not put down the series and became absolutely entranced with the world of Greek mythology. When I first saw the movie adaptations I was disappointed that such a great story had been reduced to a money-grubbing ploy designed to create revenue instead of engagement. When I first heard the Disney the studio responsible for Infinity War was creating a series adaptation of Lightning Thief I was excited! After watching the series I am left more disappointed than I was after watching the films. But how could we be surprised? Disney is a studio that has bungled every movie and show since Endgame! For individuals to rate this show a 4+, they're simply watching a different show or cruised through the books not as dedicated fans. Everything about this show is terrible, from the casting, the acting, the transitions, dialogue, character adaptations, everything is horrible. Most of all, Percy is simply a character that you can't relate to, at points he is casted as smart and witty, at other times he is 'wise and experienced'. Percy in this show seems more like a privileged kid from Rochester New York than a roughened up, tough kid made from a product of his environment. That being said, there is no 'underdog' in Percy, leaving no possible character development that can explain his impact and power. Overall, the scenes are choppy, the characters are cringe (Percy doing the floss), Grover is a mere child instead of a protector, and Annabeth seems more like a daughter of Aphrodite with a grudge than a daughter of the goddess of Wisdom.