I made it to about level 20 or so, but every match felt lack luster and that I was spending more time respawing than actually playing the game. I am sure if I spent another 20-40 hours I could handle the horrendous respawns better but the game seems hellbent on dropping me off with my back to the enemy. As satisfying as it is to get 2-3 good kills and be beat by skill, this happened maybe 1-2 times per 2 games, with ground war it happened even less. It felt like I was constantly being spawned in the open and only being put down 10 feet from where I spawned. The TTK/extreme CQC/extreme distance felt like it gave me one of three options: 1. camped with automatic gun inside a building with claymores 2. Camp with sniper and just wait for people to run in the open or 3. get stuck outside with bad spawns being killed by #1 and #2 players.