Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero takes place after the events of Super Broly. With Goku, Vegeta and Broly training on Beerus' planet, it's upto Piccolo, Gohan and the Z fighters to prevent the Red Ribbon Army from carrying out their sinister plans. Will they succeed in defeating the Red Ribbon Army or is there a bigger threat awaiting them ?
In my opinion, the movie is worth watching. The animation team has done a marvellous job at making the visuals and the fight scenes look so beautiful. The fighting scenes were amazing and choreographed so well that it will make your jaws drop. The music too was wonderful, especially during the final fight and it was perfectly timed. The script was also good (I personally loved how they narrated the story of Red Ribbon Army by showing us the glimpses of Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z).
The only problem I had was that they didn't give Gohan Beast much screen time. I think they should've shown us Gohan training and given a logical explanation on how he achieved a form that is on par with SSJ Blue (or even above it).
Overall, it was a great movie. 8/10