I just watched the film. I am a huge Elvis fan. Tom Hanks did a great job portraying “the Colonel”. Kudos to all of the actors. Austin Butler was good and clearly had prepared well for the film. The best parts of the movie were…..for me……any footage of the real Elvis Presley which were shown towards the end of the film, mainly. To me he is incomparable and although it is appreciated that the film was made and that Austin Butler worked hard to portray Elvis he does NOT look like or sing like the real Elvis and for me there is only one Elvis. I also remember reading in newspapers when I was 17/18 and seeing on TV news stories about Elvis and his new girlfriend Linda Thompson and was disappointed that no one portrayed her or his last girlfriend, Ginger, in this film. The film, I understand was mainly about the relationship between Elvis and Colonel Parker however including a few other characters more vividly such as Red & Sonny West, Linda Thompson, Larry Geller, Ginger, and others he knew and associated with would have been good to see. I did enjoy the scenes portraying Elvis with BB King ( whom I had the pleasure of seeing live in 1972 and he was amazing) Little Richard and with Mama Thornton.