Inside out 2 :
An animation that is inclusive of a spectacular representation and validation of emotions.
Throughout the movie i felt my feelings being heard, spoken about and acknowledged.
The highlights of the movie include:
- Representation of emotions, each of it has it's own screen space and energy.
- Validation of emotions and acknowledgment.
- The hope that sometimes no matter how flexible or fixed your feelings can be you deal with consequences.
- The outcome of your beliefs can either be for the better or best but you realise that eventually and it's not scheduled.
- Memories are a multiverse of emotions and you engage with them in your own way and it is personal and the choice to share it is also exclusively yours.
- The fact that even as an adult now i cry when i watch certain emotional scenes and this movie isn't a exception because i processed my tears and let them flow.
- Your defense mechanisms are diverse and different at different stages and are always developing and the way they showed this is
- Every brain has to through an evolution especially in terms of emotions and that is depicted so sensibly through each scene.
- Processing thoughts and experiences is extremely personal and we are allowed to feel what we feel and this movie doesn't stop reminding you about it.
To any and every human being out there you matter, so do your feelings. A very big shout out to the Psychiatrists, Psychologists and Neuroscience specialists who have made a movie about feelings taking in consideration of every aspect you deserve all the accolades and appreciation.