I just happened to find Hannah Gadsby early this week. I watched Douglas first not realizing that she had a previous show called Nanette. I loved Douglas, her accent is heavy and had to watch it twice to get parts I missed because of the accent. But it was truly enjoyable. I would highly recommend her video's on Netflix and her interviews on You tube. I can't understand the controversy over Nanette? Yes there were some serious parts in the show, but it wasn't all dome. She isn't the only one that has serious sections in her show. But I feel because she is a woman, she is criticized more then the men are. That is one of her points too. I totally agree with her, they always put woman up to a different standard then the men! So I just want Ms Hannah to know that I truly enjoy her humor and hope she does more "One woman shows or Lectures" as she puts it. Give them Hell Hannah!