I played it before reading any reviews to try and be as unbiased as possible. The original Overwatch is the game that I have the single most hours playing so it’s sequel has a lot to live up to.
I played 5 quick play matches last night and didn’t want to stop there. You have to win 50 QP before they let you play Competitive, which I like. That keeps all the noobs from altering your SR.
The only new hero I tried was Junker Queen and she was a lot of fun to play. I’m a tank main historically so maybe that influences my opinion. Orisa has a whole new kit which gives her a little more damaging ability. The 5v5 is nice and makes the games less stagnant and campy. I only played open role so I can’t speak to how the role locks games play. The in game stats are awesome!! Not only do healers now get the credit they deserve, you can also see all of the other teams stats which is great when your team complains about their healing and you can show they got more healing than the other team.
Sure, it’s basically Overwatch with a big update but isn’t that what COD has been for more than the past 15 years? We’ve all basically spent $60/year to buy the new one with the only differences being the time setting. For all of Blizzard’s faults they have listened to their fans and given us the stats we’ve always asked for and invested in the most nuanced part of the game, the online experience. Then they provided it free to play.
Please use any and all places online to air your grievances, but avoid doing so in the OW2 chat. Then you’ve just become part of the problem. My whole opinion might completely change when I play competitive and if that’s the case I will update this review.
Happy gaming.