i don't mind mindless action without any storyline, only catchphrases..but false logics doesn't go right with me.. makes me think this is some sort of indoctrination at worst or bad scriptwriting at best...
...hawk says at first black adam is a bad man and needs to be taken down, then says he won't stand killing of any inncoent lives...then comes to khandaq and tries to save goons from intergang, the people of khandaq ask them to leave but he says those goons need due process, already aware that they were intergang...so he is not sure those goons were guilty even though their crimes happened in his lifetime whereas black adams crimes happened 5000 years ago..fate tells black adam that he doesn't belong in this world but fate does? and this is just from the first 50 minutes of the movie..
and the attitude we see in heroes nowadays gives a clear sign of stubborness and arrogance ..they seem like roughnecks...we are seeing a lot of that in kids nowadays