I love this game.
if you loved mhw then i recommend highly to purchase iceborne but if your a newcomer the hardest thing for you is choosing what weapon to use.
piece of advise i will give to new players is choose the name of your hunter and palico/cat carefully as you cannot change that name once it is selected and if it is some what inappropriate your name will permanently be Hunter and your cat name will be Palico.
if you still don't know if you want this game then message me on Xbox OLYMPiC FVNK and i can try to convince you to get it.
I can answer all your questions and if you own a Ps4 just download the xbox app on your device and we can talk from there.
i can show you screen shots of armor if thats what your interested in and i know every thing about the game and if i don't have an answer my friends definitely would.
I have over 100 days/2400 hours+ on the game and am of 6/11/2019 MR 300+ HR 869