I totally disagree with the woman who spoke about organic versus non-organic on the show which was broadcasted on 3/10/21. by doing that broadcast you actually have hurt organic farmers she is totally wrong she can say all she wants about the government inspecting food and I know that the government fails in that area they don’t inspect enough and the amount of pollutants that are in produce does add up in a lifetime and I feel it contributes to all the cancer that we now see. I also disagree that people purposely do not buy fruit if they can’t find organic I believe strongly in organic produce however if I need a certain type of fruit that I want in my local store does not carry an organic I do by a non-organic. I really
think you should have rethought that
episode. it has taken a long time for organic farmers to become valued by the government. Years ago they were never subsidized by the government which lead to higher prices today you can buy organic as cheaply as non-organic