This anime was really educational, and I'm so happy that my church friend recommended this anime to me because it really showed me to appreciate the special things in life! Overall, this anime was really good and it's absolutely one of my favorite animes, and the manga was incredible as well! I definitely recommend watching the anime and reading the manga!!! I never regret watching it that I even watched it with my parents and my grandparents, and they absolutely LOVED the anime, and they usually HATE anime, but they were IN LOVE with this anime! I even told them to read the manga because it's even BETTER, and when they read it they were so entranced by the visuals and the drawings, and the way it can capture a reader's attention just by mentioning toys and activities:) After I watched YBC I wanted to join the Photography Club that we have at my school, and so I did, and I never regret joining:) I have so much fun everyday, and I love all the fun activities that we do and the toys we play with! My favorite character in YBC is Yuri Ayato and Kyousuke Yamaguchi! I love the way the show portrays the characters in the show! I love all of their personalities:)