Hate hate hate hate it. I finished the show but it was like swallowing bitter medicine. The siblings fighting I can understand, but the constant drama is like eating cereal with cottage cheese instead of milk. I’ve seen better acting in a school play. Wanted to be caught up for the new movie coming out but if this is the quality it doesn’t give great hope. The director of this, I swear, is a teenage girl. If Cate is strong like her dad said she is why didn’t we see that this whole series? Can’t give it 5 minutes without Maye/Cora or Cate throwing some childish tantrum. And we see stuff that makes no sense all the time like the bomb that somehow didn’t reach them 5 miles away but other bombs the safe distance is over 40-50 miles.
If this series had half the amount amount of drama it might have been redeemable. Remove all the attitude and sassy behavior from cate or just remove her and her mom entirely it’s just so annoying to keep up with when constantly shifting back and forth from past and future. Really, really hope the movie doesn’t suck as bad as this did. Seems all the studios do the same thing, it’s not trash if they throw at least one famous actor in.