I honestly feel that this show Is a disgrace to black people! Here comes the Africans acting like they're better than other people.. You have this man that has his own business now the African is running it. You. You have this man that married this woman and now she's acting like a total BIT and his house the man can't say anything and he can't do anything he has a mother in law from h*** she tells him his business isn't good enough And that he needs to work harder. Abasola had her nerve to degrade the other black lady about being a doctor talking about s******* work hard enough not knowing what she was talking about she was talking about I only watched this show because of the man that plays Bob because I remember him as a comedian Other than that I will be glad when this show goes off the air I don't care if it's 10 years from now it's a disgrace in it's Lauren and the greeting black people as who we are this lady comes from Africa or wher everything comes from writing this show but she doesn't understand how degrading she is and how she makes black people look she tries to make us look stupid and that's even how my African neighbor talks but I'm a person who works hard every day 10 and 12 hours A-day to get the things that I have And I'm far from stupid. Far as I'm concerned in Africa it's no better than an American the only difference is we know how to take a bath and they don't most of them that I know stink or you see them outside and towels with no clothes on on the 9th come on let's get real this stuff is irritating this show is irritating but for some reason people like to watch people being degraded this show makes my heart hurt makes my soul ache I wish that black people and Africans could actually get along but Africans don't like black Americans Because they think that they're better than us and I don't understand that mindset This show has me crying every week because of the disgrace and how they lower in the greater each other on this show this is really sad and this is highly unacceptable I wish the director would do something different. 😔 😪😪😪😪😪😪