I am playing on a PS4 Pro. Aside from the crashes (more than I'd like) and a few glitches here and there I am whole heartedly enjoying my time in Night City. I am almost at 100 hrs in and I love it. Definitely one of my all time favorite games so far. So much so, that I decided to buy the Collector's Edition 3 weeks later. (for the statue).
Story wise, it is amazing and very deep. I felt for these characters and especially the ones in the side quests and it has been a long time since a game did that to me where I feel I needed to continue playing. It is that good.
Ignore the haters, honestly play it. It is a game that needs to be experienced. If you cannot stand it on console and your PC is not the best, I recommend STADIA. Yes, I bought it there also and it plays great and looks great too. You do not need a subscription to play it either. I mostly play on my console because of all the trophies I have been
I trust CD Projekt Red will fix this and improve upon this universe by expanding the franchise. It was an ambitious game and they had only 3 games up their sleeves. This is a masterpiece. Give them a chance. Fallout76 was way worse and is inferior to this in every way. Shame on Sony for not giving them a chance like they do to every other publisher who screws up.
Bottom line...PLAY THIS GAME!