What happened to my mind. I do not able to know how munch my mind bending moment is... And you know it's a 10,000 Kilo Newton. Sry... It's a 10,000 Kilo Nolan load on my mind.
Is there any man in the world who can play with the time. There is... And that is ofcourse Chris Nolan.
It's not a kind of regular story teller. You know it's a spy thriller. You have to prepare for that before entering into the hall.
And what a non linear script man... Fantabulous screen writing. If Hans Zimmer would have score Music for this one, it would have been master Music. Even though Ludwig made an epic one. Those time inversions man... Splendid enough. Visually spectacular. Technically ultra solid. Do not think of Inception and Interstellar kind of a one. It's a spy with great narrative.
Charan CYK Rating : 9/10